An animated whiteboard systematically debunking Greenpeace’s extreme rhetoric.

Open Invitation Clock
Loading Clock
Total time that Greenpeace
has ignored open invitation
from International Seafood
Sustainability Foundation
(ISSF) to participate in the
ongoing dialogue about Tuna
fisheries & sustainability.
Tuesday, February 7th, 2012

Greenpeace has been leaving dozens of harassing phone messages at tuna companies as part of their anti-tuna campaign. They frequently forget to hang up the phone and these recordings are a glimpse into the world of Greenpeace campaigner. This begs the question, If Greenpeace has so many committed members, why do they need to recruit people on the street to make calls for them.

Is it activism or panhandling?

Posted by TFT-Staff

Greenpeace Cycle of
Abuse: Case History

Greenpeace Hypocrisy:
Case in Point