An animated whiteboard systematically debunking Greenpeace’s extreme rhetoric.

Open Invitation Clock
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Total time that Greenpeace
has ignored open invitation
from International Seafood
Sustainability Foundation
(ISSF) to participate in the
ongoing dialogue about Tuna
fisheries & sustainability.
Friday, September 9th, 2011

Last night, President Barack Obama addressed the nation on jobs. According to the latest data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (aka the “weakest report in almost a year”), the unemployment rate in August showed no improvement, and the net total of new jobs was zero. Many families are struggling to make ends meet, “giving up nights out with the family to save on gas or make the mortgage; postponing retirement to send a kid to college.”

So, while hard working Americans are struggling, what’s Greenpeace doing? Greenpeace is raking in $700,000 a day and spending $32 million on a new yacht. While Washington is looking for “ways to work side by side with America’s businesses” and interested in “new ideas to help companies grow and create jobs,” Greenpeace is harassing and bullying American tuna brands and grossly exaggerating sustainability claims so it can keep its fundraising machine humming.

Wonder if Greenpeace has heard that it’s been 66 years since the last time the government reported zero new jobs?

At a time when Americans could use a break, Greenpeace is badgering tuna companies to change their already cost-effective, sustainable fishing methods to expensive, less efficient practices. Greenpeace’s demands would actually raise the cost of canned tuna, an affordable, healthy favorite among American families. Rather than sitting down with leading conservation scientists, Greenpeace is raising $700,000 a day to fly blimps and produce grotesque cartoons.

Instead of spending their fundraising dollars on juvenile shenanigans, perhaps some of that $700,000 could go to 466,667 cans of tuna for the SeaShare organization that helps provide nutritional food to low-income families.

Posted by TFT-Staff

Greenpeace Cycle of
Abuse: Case History

Greenpeace Hypocrisy:
Case in Point